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Dying Light 2: Stay Human

Game Review |


04 Feb 2022

PC, PlayStation & Xbox


Techland’s Dying Light 2 was definitely one of the better game releases of the recent time. Since I loved the Parkour and gritty world of the first game, the sequel checked all boxes for me and even managed to surprise with great new stuff. That being said, even utilizing AMD’s Fidelity Super Resolution 1.0 and the lowest visual settings, that particular open world zombie rpg parkour game gave you a pretty hard time on the Steam Deck. At least until now.


FSR 2.0 - a Dream becomes true


With their first Community Update Techland now added some of the most wanted features to the game - including FSR 2.0. AMD’s open-source equivalent to Nvidia’s Deep Learning Super Sampling - short DLSS - is not a static upscaler like you had in the game or the Deck’s global settings available before. It dynamically adjusts parts of the game’s base resolution to its needs and upscales the content in a way that in some moments it nearly seems to be indistinguishable from output on native resolution. Long story short: Massive performance gain and more headroom to either achieve a better framerate or up some settings for a better overall quality.


Upon first start you’ll be met with pretty steep default settings which reflect the High preset. Already in the initial cutscene the Deck struggles massively with its performance budget due to vegetation, shadow details and many post-processing effects.


The Holy Grail - The Golden 40


Our Goal is to reach the Golden 40, you may ask why? Well, check my Video about the Golden 40. In this video I give you an extensive explanation on why 40 FPS at 40Hz will change your Steam Deck life - so give it a shot!


If you wanna see some visuell comparison between the old FSR 1.0 and and the new FSR 2.0 - check the video above!

In this video I will only compare the upscaling methods and their performance results on the official Medium preset, which reflects the settings most similar to my Golden 40 Preset. Today’s dish contains a wide range of upscaling settings - excluding DLSS. Linear upscaling, FSR 1.0 and FSR 2.0 - which got added with the recent Community Update.


Generally speaking it quickly get’s clear, that both Linear Upscaling and the old static FSR solution act pretty aggressively. Their performance presets ultimately result in a massive base resolution degradation, which is definitely not what we’re looking for. In stark contrast: Even FSR 2.0’s performance mode - with its preset aiming at the biggest overall resource savings due to a lowered resolution output - looks surprisingly better than the results we get with the Linear Upscaling and FSR 1.0 quality modes.


That being said, having a few things tweaked accordingly, to maintain a solid framerate of around 40FPS, the game is now more than playable on the Steam Deck - even outside of its framerate-tanking intro sequence and level. Small rare dips remain, no matter which settings you chose, which probably are the result of the geometry working its way through the game’s rendering processes and the occlusion culling deciding to rather opt for more resources than ending up too slow.

Important Disclaimer: With everything set we now only have to make sure the quick menu’s per-game profile is activated and refresh rate at 40Hz. While all of this results in a pretty consistent frame-pacing due to the Golden 40’s nature - which I comprehensively explain in my Golden 40 video - we still have to accept some FPS dips while running through Villedor and in intense combat situations.

Golden 40 Settings


Window Mode Fullscreen
Display Resolution 1280x800
V-Sync On
Upscale Method FSR 2.0 Quality/Balanced
Renderer Mode D3D11
Texture Quality High
LOD Quality Low
Anti Aliasing Stable
Motion Blur Quality Medium
Particles Quality Medium
Screen Space Reflections On
Sun Shadows Quality Low
Contact Shadows Quality Medium
Ambient Occlusion Quality Medium
Global Illumination Quality Low
Reflections Quality Low
Fog Quality Low
Postprocess Quality Low

Quick Action Menu:

Use per-game profile On
Framerate Limit 40
Refresh Rate 40
Allow Tearing On
Half Rate Shading Off
Thermal Power (TDP) Limit Off



As always - one last thing: Please keep in mind, that this preset will push your Deck’s hardware to its limit. Expect the device to get pretty hot and the game gnawing through your battery in no time - you can expect a battery life of one and a half hour - in rare cases up to two hours.

If you’re instead looking for more battery-focused optimisations, I would like to recommend to pay SteamDeckHQ a visit. They usually provide great settings to keep your device cool in order to enjoy longer play sessions without an external power source nearby.

If you like my work and want to support this project, make sure to subscribe to the channel and check out Patreon, where you can gain access to exclusive content and early ad-free uploads of every video, next to access to the premium area of our Discord server!

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